Reality mongering: Comparing COVID19 with Climate Change

Reality mongering: Comparing COVID19 with Climate Change:

Climate Change
Percent of population that will die if unstopped
2.3% of those diagnosed with disease
100% of humans will die on an uninhabitable earth
Temporary or Permanent?
The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic lasted two years. Likewise, the COVID 19 virus will likely eventually starve and immunity will become more prevalent, thus making this a relatively temporary tragedy --relative to climate change.
150 years is how long CO2 remains a greenhouse gas, thus creating a cumulative effect, and a carbon budget which is now eight years from depletion. However, imminent tipping points and positive feedback cycles will put this problem out of our control for an indefinite time period. Those tipping points are upon us right now. In either case, humanity will not survive, and will be gone permanently if we do not act now.
Discussing solutions
Harm can be reduced with social distancing, etc.
Harm can be dramatically reduced, but only if we act immediately and quickly to respond to a rapidly depleting carbon budget.
Capacity to demonstrate how closely health and the environment are connected
Among those who have died, the time from symptom onset to death has ranged from two to eight weeks.[29]
Less immediate than COVICD 19, but no less important because of the above.


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