We Are The Boat -- An Introduction

We're now living in the era of massive struggle against climate change. The global nature of the struggle against climate change, is described well in Ubuntu philosophy: "I am because we are."

It's also described in the Lorre Wyatt's song, "Somos el Barco," which, translated into English, says, "We are the Boat.":

The boat we are sailing in was built by many hands
And the sea we are sailing on, it touches every land
So with our hopes we set the sails
And face the winds once more
And with our hearts we chart the waters never sailed before
Somos el barco, somos el mar,
Yo navego en ti, tu navegas en mi
We are the boat, we are the sea, I sail in you, you sail in me.

The song mentions that we do things "with our hopes" and "with our hearts." That could be interpreted to mean that even if you no longer have hope to do things with, you still have a heart to do things with. A heart is even more central than hope is. The Christian canon speaks of this: "...these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13). Even if your hope has shrunk to zero, the size of your heart can still grow even larger than before.


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