Uniting Climate-Concerned People who have Various Levels of Hope
After COP26, are we still united in our varying levels of hope? After COP26, what does all of the increased variety in our levels of hope do to our community? Does it weaken our solidarity with each other? If it’s still possible to retain a community between those who still have a lot of hope and those who have little or no hope, then that means that we, as individuals, don’t need to fear that we will “lose our community,” if, on some days, we find ourselves at one level of hope or another. Retaining a sense of community is a source of strength for any and all individuals who find themselves at any point on the “hope spectrum.” So after COP26, is it possible to retain that community? I believe it is possible, and I’ll attempt to show you how using the following three questions: 1. How can different people with these various perspectives form good relationships with each other, and learn to understand each other? 2. Is it even possible to ...